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Amanda returns to Fuzztown!
I recorded a second episode for the hit podcast The Fall of the House of Sunshine’s off-season episodes: Fuzztown Stories, called The Alveolar. You can listen to it on my Media page or on iTunes, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast app!
The Baby Monitor
a smash at IDGTF!
Amanda traveled with the production of David Stallings’ play about gay parenting, The Baby Monitor, to the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival. It was a marvelous trip; the audiences grew day by day, and the production was nominated for four awards:
Doric Wilson Award for Intercultural Dialogue: The Baby Monitor for exploring the external pressure on LGBT parenting
Micheal Mac Liammoir Award for Outstanding performance by a male: Leo Goodman as Josh in The Baby Monitor USA
Eva Gore Booth Award for Outstanding performance by a female: Amanda Jones as Claire in The Baby Monitor, USA
Oscar Wilde for Best New Writing: David Stallings, The Baby Monitor USA